GetThru and PDI Account Connection

IMPORTANT - GetThru does not currently support new integrations with PDI at this time. Our team is working to once again allow new accounts to be connected to PDI. More information will be shared as it becomes available.


Getting Started

NOTE - PDI can connect with both ThruText and ThruTalk! This integration allows users to text and call voters sourced from the PDI program.

When a PDI integration is enabled, your account will have nine custom fields:

  • PDI Unique ID
  • Address
  • Address 2
  • Polling Location
  • Polling Location 2
  • Polling Address
  • Congressional District (CD)
  • Senate District (SD)
  • Assembly District (AD)

You will also see an account owner (admin for older accounts) user for your PDI integration. The integration will not function until PDI approves this user. Do not delete this user. Admins deleting or downgrading the PDI user will cause your integration to fail:

administrator user for your PDI integration

Sending your universe from PDI to GetThru

From here, you can now push your universe from PDI into a group in GetThru with the click of a button!

NOTE - The GetThru group size max is 50k contacts, but due to the file size and the data contained within your list, you may need to send smaller groups. Plan the universes you intend to send to GetThru accordingly.

To navigate to the page where your PDI list is pushed to ThruText:

  • Click the "Outreach" drop-down from the header
  • Select "ThruText Texting"
  • Select "Send Universe to ThruText."

NOTE - Use this page to send your universe to GetThru. Once your universe has been sent from PDI, you can use it for both (or either) ThruText and (or) ThruTalk.

  • On the new page, the information entered into the "Name Your List or File" will become your GetThru Group name.
  • Leave the next two fields as they appear.
  • Select which PDI universe you want to import by selecting from the "Choose the People to Be In Your List or File" drop-down menu.

  • Click the "Process File" button at the bottom of the page. If the file was sent successfully, you will see "Your File or List Has Been Successfully Created."

Collect data using your GetThru campaign

When the universe is pushed to, the Group is created with all of the custom fields automatically via the PDI Sync User that has been added to your account. 

NOTE - If the list was pushed from PDI to GetThru, but is not automapped, please write to

For ThruText

To get the most out of your PDI list, you should use your PDI-imported custom fields in ThruText. Click here for directions on how to add custom fields to your ThruText campaigns.

After group creation, admins will need to create their ThruText campaign, have their users send the campaign, and collect survey information

For ThruTalk

It would be best to use your PDI-imported custom fields in your ThruTalk scripts so that you can get the most out of your PDI list. Click here for directions on how to add the custom fields to your calling scripts.

After group creation, admins must build their script, launch their ThruTalk campaign, and have their users make calls.

PDI created groups can be used for both ThruTalk and ThruText interchangably! No additional import is required.

Bringing your data back into your PDI account

NOTE - All data needs to be uploaded to PDI manually via CSV. The legacy system that uses an automation within the PDI site no longer functions.

After your users have recorded survey information in ThruText or made dials in ThruTalk, you can upload your information in PDI. 

  • Next, select "Import ID fields."

  • Select the file you want to upload and select "Text (CSV Comma Separated Values)" from the File Type drop-down.
  • Click "Upload File."

  • Once your data has populated below the "Upload File" button, click "Next" at the bottom of the page
  • Move onto the "3. Select Match Field & Acquisition Code" step 
  • Make the following selections:

  • Click "Next" at the bottom of the page
  • When asked about your file's layout, select "My data file has one or more flag fields containing variable flag values."
  • Then, select "The flags I am posting are associated with a survey."
  • Next, you will be prompted to map the questions that are within the ThruTalk Account Campaign Export with Surveys that exist within your PDI account.
  • Finally, you will be prompted to map the corresponding answers between your file and your PDI surveys.
  • Click "Import" to finish the process!

If you encounter any difficulties, please email GetThru's Support Team at