Definitions of ThruText-specific terms

This guide contains keywords used throughout the texting side of the GetThru platform. Check out more about the calling side by visiting the ThruTalk Glossary. To get an overview of functions shared between both talk & text, please be sure to read our main GetThru Glossary!

10DLC - Stands for "10 Digit Long Code". A system developed by wireless carriers to protect the SMS channel from spam and junk messaging.

Account Level Exports - Contains data covering the entire account. (See Exports)

Account Tools - A menu containing the tools you will need to make account-wide changes to your account. Only administrators will be able to make edits to these options. Moderators will only be able to see some of the information.

Active Campaign - A campaign that has been launched and is ready for message sending. (See Campaign)

Admin Dashboard - The first page of the admin account where clients can create campaigns, upload new groups, and invite users. 

Archived Campaign - A completed and closed campaign. Once archived, all phone numbers acquired for the campaign will be relinquished, so it is not possible to restart an archived campaign. (See Campaign)

Assignment - The allotment of text messages given to a Message Sender when they text for an active campaign. 

Auto Opt-Out - Feature that automatically opts contacts out if they respond to initial messages with specific opt out phrases.

Base Segment  - The initial segment that is added to a campaign. Every campaign must have at least a base segment to launch.

Brand Registration - Provides TCR (The Campaign Registry) with basic information about your organization, like your organization's legal name, legal address, and Employee Identification Number (EIN). 

Bulk Reassign - Function on the Conversations Overview page that moves messages across the entire campaign.

Campaigns - The actual text bank. The contact universe, initial message, recommended replies, survey questions, and the message senders to send them.

Campaign (Account Export) - Contains the metadata from all the campaigns run from your account between the start and end date selected. (See Campaign)

Campaign Level Exports - Data export containing information pertaining to that specific campaign. (See Exports)

Campaign Specific Survey Question - Survey questions created during the campaign creation process that can only be used for that specific campaign. (See Survey Question)

Campaign Verify - Any federal, state, and municipal political campaigns, parties, and PACs must register with Campaign Verify to receive their Campaign Verify Token. 

Contact Source - 10DLC requires that a contact can opt into text messaging on an organization's website. The URL where that happens is the Contact Source.

Conversations (Campaign Export) - Data export containing campaign metadata for a single campaign. (See Campaign Level Exports)

Conversations Overview - Landing page when accessing the Conversations tab of a campaign.

Draft Campaign - A campaign that is in the process of being created. All campaigns built beyond step two will be saved as a draft until the campaign is launched. (See Campaign)

Exports - How you obtain data collected from your texting. All exports will be delivered in CSV format and cover three different levels: Campaign, Group, and Account. 

Follow-up - Follow-up messages are additional admin-initiated messages that can be sent to some or all of the recipients in a campaign.

Global Opt-Out Message - A message that will populate on any campaign in your account when a texter clicks the opt-out button for a contact.

Global Recommended Reply - Recommended Replies that are set in Account Tools; these can be used in every single campaign you create and will be visible in the message sender with a globe icon. (See Recommended Reply)

Global Survey Question - Survey Questions that can be applied to any Campaigns you set up; found in the Account Tools drop-down and selected when you're setting up your campaign. (See Survey Question)

Hide Conversations - On the Message Sender side, it dismisses a particular conversation that does not need to receive another response. Archiving a conversation hides that thread until it is assigned a follow-up or the contact sends another message. Admins can view archived conversations on the admin side.

Initial Message - The first message sent to contacts in a texting campaign.

Landlines - Non-textable numbers that are identified by a third-party vendor. More information on what is textable in Phone Number Verifications. 

Manual Opt Out - Opt Outs processed by admins and message senders. (Rather than auto opt-outs, see above.)

Manual Vetting - Use Case registration check performed by the carriers.

Media Library - Page where admins can add and archive their MMS files.

Message Encoding - Type of data encoding needed to send your text message to your message recipient. Message encoding affects segment count. 

Message Errors - Messages that were not accepted by our provider. These errors do not count toward an account's bill.

Message Sender - The most basic permission level available within ThruText, a User that can only send/receive messages. (See Users)

Messages (Campaign Export) - An export type containing the full text of all messages sent to and from your campaign.

Messages (Account Export) - An export type containing the full text of every message sent to and from your account between the start and end date selected. 

Messaged Contacts - The number of contacts that have been sent messages.

Messenger - The page of used by Message Senders as they complete their ThruText assignment in an active campaign. It can also be accessed by Moderators and Administrators if they want to send messages.

Multimedia Messaging Service (MMS)Text messages that have media attached, such as a picture or GIF. The text portion of an MMS message can be up to 1600 characters when creating an initial message.

Network Account Usage - Account owners on a Primary account can see ThruText usage for all Subaccounts.

Opt-Out - Manual exclusion of a contact from future text messages.

Opt-Outs (Account Export) - An export type that lists all the people you've opted out account-wide. (See Opt-Outs)

Opt-Out (Messages) - Opt-Outs handled during the normal flow of message sending. Opt-outs here will be sent the preset opt-out reply. (See Opt-Outs)

Paused Campaign - A live campaign that has been set to inactive status. When paused, no messages will be sent from that Campaign to your Contacts, though your Contacts will be able to send messages to your Message Senders. (See Campaign)

Primary Account - This is the main account for an organization or reseller. Account owners on primary accounts can see their organization's Network Account Usage link.

Provisioning - The process a US texting number goes through with the carriers before messages can be sent using it.

QuickSend - An entire campaign's initial messages can be sent with one click by using QuickSend. QuickSend is enabled at the account level by contacting GetThru's Support team and can be toggled on and off at campaign creation by admins.

Recommended Reply - Canned responses that your Message Senders can send to the Contact. Recommended replies can be edited to match the precise context of the conversation.

Saved Replies - Prefilled responses that appear within the texter's reply screen that an organization's admin presets at the time of launch. Texters can also create personalized "custom replies" on their user account that only they can see and use.

Script - The first message sent and how all of the conversations in a campaign will begin (Initial Message.)

Segment - A portion of a text message. The length of a segment is dependent on the characters used and the coding needed to send those characters. Segments are represented on analytics and exports.

Self-Assigning Conversations - Message senders can assign themselves initial messages by clicking the "Request Conversation" button in the Messenger. 

Short Messaging Service (SMS)Text-only messages that can consist of one or more segments. An SMS text message can be up to 1600 characters when creating an initial message; however, messages longer than approxaimtely 160 characters will begin splitting into multiple SMS segment.

Subaccount - An account created by an organization or reseller for distinct use by a specific branch of their organization or by an individual candidate. 

Surveys (Account Export) - Contains a list of all your survey responses from every campaign in your account between the selected start and end date. (See Survey Question)

Surveys (Campaign Export) - Contain the data collected from all survey questions asked in that campaign. (See Survey Question)

Survey Question - The mechanism for collecting data from contacts during a conversation. Survey questions are filled in by your Users during the flow of texting and are not sent directly to your Contacts.

Targeting - The group(s) that you add/remove from a campaign that establishes who you'd like to send texts to.

Texter - Anyone of any permission level who can send a text in ThruText. However, primarily used in to refer to the message senders.

Usage - The number of outgoing texts sent by an organization and the number of unique active contacts in a calendar month (in UTC time).

Use Case Registration - Needs to be completed after Brand Registration. Allows cellphone carriers to know the types of messages you are planning to send. (see 10DLC)

Users (Account Export) - Export type that produces a list of all the users on your ThruText Account, their permission levels, and contact information.

VAN Synced Survey Questions - Survey brought over using a VAN integration. These surveys are created in VAN and brought over during the Campaign creation process. (See Survey Question)