GetThru Sidebar Navigation

Use the side navigation to quickly move between groups, users, or account tools anywhere in your workflow. Click on the heading you'd like to access to open the drop-down options.

Screenshot of 3 unopened dropdown in white text on a navy background.


Expand the Groups drop-down and click "+ Create New Group" to create a new group, or click on "Active" to view active groups in the account. Click here for more information on Groups.

If the account has a VAN integration, the menu item for External Contact Lists will bring the admin to a page for VAN-syncing group creation. If an account does not have a VAN integration, the "External Contact List" menu item will be unavailable.

Screenshot of the expanded drop down at the top of the menu: "Groups". The options to Create a New Group, view Active Groups, and view External Contact Lists are shown.


Invite new users by expanding the Users drop-down, then click "+ Create New Invitation." You can also view all active users and manage their permission levels. To see a list of invitations that have already been sent and their status, click on Invitations. To set up a permanent invite link to share with users to join the account, click on Permanent Invite.

Screenshot of the expanded second drop down: "Users." The options are: "Create New Invitation", "Active", "Invitations", and "Permanent Invite.""

Account Tools

Click on the Account Tools drop-down for the following:

  • Click on "Custom Fields" to be taken to the Custom Fields page to view, edit, archive, or add custom fields. 
  • "Integrations" will take you to the Integrations page where admins can set up and manage the integrations for their account
    NOTE - Only VAN Integrations are available on the Integrations page at this time.
  • "Phone Numbers" - will take you to the page for managing Dedicated Numbers.
    NOTE - Only available for US and UK accounts
  • Click on "Usage Analytics" to be taken to the Usage Analytics page, where you can view your account's ThruTalk and ThruText usage. 
  • Click on "Voicemail Greeting" to be taken to the page to set up a custom voicemail greeting for your account. 

Screenshot of the expanded Account Tools menu in white text on a navy background.

Click here for more information about the ThruText and ThruTalk sidebars.