Definitions of terms shared by ThruTalk and ThruText

This guide provides an overview of functions shared throughout the GetThru platform. Visit our ThruText or ThruTalk Glossaries to learn more about each side! 

Account - An organization or political campaign that holds a contract with GetThru.

Account Owner - The key decision-maker on a GetThru account. This role is also responsible for entering the required brand registration information for the account on the text side. (See 10DLC, Brand Registration)

Active Contacts - The number of contacts in an active group.

Active Group - A list of contacts that is eligible to be attached to a campaign. (See Groups)

Admin Dash - The landing page when an account is viewed from the admin side.

Administrator - The second highest permission level within GetThru, administrators are able to make any changes to the account, invite users, adjust permissions, create, launch, edit, and participate in campaigns. (See Users)

Archived Group - A list of contacts that is not eligible to be attached to a campaign. (See Groups)

Auto-Archive - ThruTalk and ThruText campaigns that have been dormant for more than 30 days are automatically archived by our system.

Contact - The person who is being called or texted, or targeted.

Custom Fields - Data points that can be used in ThruTalk scripts or ThruText campaigns.

Dedicated Phone Numbers - Available to US and UK accounts. Currently, dedicated phone numbers are ThruText only.

Details pages - A details page can be for a specific ThruTalk or ThruText campaign or group

Error - At group uplny unit of data in your list that prevents a contact from being processed. All errors are removed from the list at group creation, and you will not be able to text that number.

External Contact Lists - Contacts that can be "pulled" from your VAN committee and into your GetThru account to create new groups. 

Groups - The list of Contacts that you’ve uploaded and are ready to be attached to a Campaign.

Group Export - An Export type that allows you to see specific information about the Contacts you’ve successfully uploaded in that Group. (See Groups and Exports)

Invitations - The means by which you will add people to join your organization's account. All permission levels will need to be invited before they can do anything such as join (or create) a texting or calling campaign.

Integrations Page - Page where admins and account owners manage their integrations.

Invalid - Numbers in your list that cannot receive text messages (landlines, fax numbers, disconnected numbers, etc. in ThruText). Numbers that cannot be called in ThruTalk.

Mapping - Matching the headers in your data file to the required and custom fields in your GetThru account. (See Required Fields and Custom Fields)

Moderator - People with Moderator level permissions can do everything a User can do, plus a few basic admin actions.

Overview pages - Overview pages contain tables of links to other pages, also called "Index pages" (Eg., ThruTalk Campaign Overview, ThruText Campaign Overview, ThruText Conversations Overview, and Group Overview pages.)

PDI - CRM local to California.

Permanent Invite Link - An invite option you can use to set up a static link that can be sent to prospective volunteers that, once clicked, will enable the volunteer to set up their user profile. 

Required Fields - The three fields that are necessary to upload any group into GetThru.

Reseller - A person or organization who resells GetThru at a discount and serves as the billing and collections for multiple clients.

S3 - Amazon cloud storage that can receive data nightly from both ThruText and ThruTalk.

Sidebar - The dark blue vertical menu on the left side of the screen on the admin side of GetThru.

Start/End Date - The campaign feature that controls when calls can be made, or initial messages can be sent.

Unvalidated - The numbers on your list that have yet to be processed.

Users - The individuals who have access to your GetThru account to make calls or send texts.

Valid - The numbers that have been processed and can be contacted by ThruTalk or ThruText.

VAN - CRM that both ThruTalk and ThruText have 2-way integrations with.

VAN Integration Wizard - Tool that admins and account owners use to add new integrations to their GetThru account.